For me cycling is all about enjoying the ride. I love seeing the world by bike, and discovering new places.
When I’m not riding, I am usually researching where I’ll be riding next. I decided to create this website to not only capture my cycling trips but to also share information to help you plan your next adventure!
The rides will be a wide range of miles and difficulty. Some are leisurely and some are more challenging, but all rides are beautiful and bucket list worthy.
I typically plan a cycling trip one of three ways:
I will search for cycling clubs and bike shops in a specific city or region I want to visit. I will either join their planned club/shop ride, or most club/shop websites have local routes you can download and I'll ride them on my own (sometimes I download the route as is and save to my Garmin, or sometimes I use their route as a starting point to create my own route in Strava and then save to my Garmin).
I register for a cycling event (century rides, gran fondos, gravel races, etc.) and plan a trip around that event. This option is ideal when I don’t want to spend time planning a route. I can just show up and follow the event signs/arrows.
I take a cycling vacation with Trek Travel. This is obviously the priciest option, but worth every penny! They take care of everything (including the bike) and it's always first class.
I’ve been on 7 trips with them:
Mallorca, Spain
Tuscany, Italy
Greenville, South Carolina
Solvang, California
Girona, Spain
Glacier National Park, Montana
Bentonville, Arkansas
I hope you find the information on this site to be helpful when you’re planning your next cycling adventure!
cyclingjenny.com aims to provide content that is true and accurate as of the date of writing; however, the accuracy and judgment of the author is not guaranteed. cyclingjenny.com and its associates are in no way liable for personal injury, loss or damage to personal property, or any other such situation that should occur to individuals following the guides, routes and recommendations. Please review the full Terms & Disclaimer.